More Than Half of States Have Legalized Marijuana for Some Uses
The fight for legalization of marijuana has been ongoing for decades. With states like Colorado, Washington, and California setting the trend, more and more states are getting on board to legalize marijuana, at least for some purposes. According to an online medical journal, more than half of states have some laws that will permit medical marijuana. This shift may come as a surprise, as even the most conservative states are opening up to the health and economic benefits of marijuana sale and use.
This shift of policies and loosening of marijuana restrictions has resulted from pressure from health experts, family physicians, parents, and other advocacy groups that understand the benefits of marijuana for medical use. Most recently, Minnesota became the 22nd state to allow the broad use of medical marijuana. Washington D.C. is also new to the medical marijuana scene, and nine other states have passed laws allowing marijuana for children with seizure disorders. Our Los Angeles marijuana collective attorneys are dedicated to keeping abreast of marijuana legal developments on behalf of our local clients.
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