Articles Posted in medical marijuana attorney


A New Attempt to Move Marijuana to Schedule III

While there have been drug laws on the books for many years, it was the inclusion of marijuana as a Schedule I drug on the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (USCSA) that has been the biggest obstacle to the cannabis business being treated like the successful business that it…


Forget Trump, Clinton – Marijuana Will be the Real Winner of This Election

As we trudge through the final weeks of this arduous, divisive election, there is at least one matter on the ballot that is likely to unite: Marijuana.  Voters in nine states – including California, Florida and Massachusetts – will vote on Nov. 8th ballot proposals that permit recreational and/or medical…


Maine Doctor Reprimanded for Marijuana Permission Slip to Patient Employer

A doctor in Maine who specializes in osteopathic medicine was reprimanded by the New Hampshire state Board of Medicine over allegations of professional misconduct for penning a permission slip to the employer of a patient.  The doctor, who practices family medicine in both Maine and across the state line in…


Prison Guards and Police Fighting Passage of AUMA in California

This November, voters will be presented with a ballot measure at the polls known as the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) which if passed, will legalize marijuana in the state of California for recreational purposes, as opposed to just medical marijuana which was legalized back in 1996. It is…


One California Sheriff Warns Marijuana Users About Pesticide Dangers

Many law enforcement officers and prosecutors are against the legalization of marijuana. One of the common arguments they make are that legalizing marijuana will increase crime, harm neighborhoods, and lead to more potentially deadly incidents of driving under the influence of marijuana.  This is also known as a DUI drugs. However,…


Congress Approves Medical Marijuana for Veterans

There are many veterans being treated at one of the nation’s Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers that would probably benefit from medical cannabis in one form or another.  These are patients who have fought bravely for our nation in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and many other foreign nations that now suffer…


LA County Democratic Party Endorses Adult Use of Marijuana Act

California voters will have a chance to legalize marijuana for adult use, and this includes using marijuana for recreational purposes.  If this legalization of marijuana in California does occur, it will be accomplished through a ballot measure known as the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA).  This ballot measure was…


Taking Medical Marijuana Instead of Opioid Painkillers

One of the strangest things about the fight against legalization of marijuana is, while they tend to paint marijuana as a serious threat to society in terms of crime, unemployment, and high school dropouts, these same people seem to have absolutely no trouble with people taking powerful opioid painkillers. Painkillers…


Colorado: Schools Must Facilitate On-Campus Medical Marijuana Dosing

The issue of marijuana has always been sensitive as far as youth are concerned. For years, the failed “War on Drugs” focused on the reported ill effects of marijuana, both in and of itself and as a gateway drug to harsher substances. Every recreational marijuana law that has passed has…

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