
Articles Posted in DUI defense attorney L.A.


Taking the High Road: Drivers Paid to Participate in Marijuana DUI Study

University of California-San Diego is conducting a study out of its Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research to better understand how marijuana use impairs driving. The study is the largest of its kind and seeks to gather some hard data on levels of cannabis and impacts on common driving scenarios, according…


Marijuana DUI Enforcement in Los Angeles

One of the main arguments against the legalization of marijuana, other than the long- disproved gateway drug theory, is that there will be more cases of people driving under the influence of marijuana.  This is not necessarily the case, but regardless of whether there were be more people driving under…


SB 65 Would Ban Marijuana Use While Driving

Marijuana is legal in California, but lawmakers are looking to ban the so-called “country cruise.” Specifically, state legislators have proposed in Senate Bill 65 banning the act of smoking marijuana while operating a motor vehicle.  This might seem like common sense – or perhaps already covered under existing impaired driving…


Study: California Car Insurance Spikes $1,500/Year for Driving Under Influence of Marijuana

When it comes to drunk driving, the laws are fairly uniform from state-to-state. There may be some variation in penalties, including the amount of the fine or the length of possible jail time. Some states require ignition interlocks after a first-time offense, while others leave it up to the discretion…

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