It’s been six years since a law that would have legalized recreational marijuana was shot down. It’s also almost a month until California voters consider it once again. There is strong evidence to suggest this time, the outcome will be different. That’s because if polls are to be believed, voter…
Articles Posted in California marijuana legalization
The End of Federal Marijuana Prohibition Near?
One of the ongoing threats to California marijuana dispensaries, growers and users is the ongoing federal prohibition on the drug. To this day, despite the increasing research findings proving the medicinal and societal benefits of the drug, it remains under a Schedule I narcotic designation by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration…
California Voters to Decide on Full Marijuana Legalization in November
A recreational marijuana ballot measure this November is one step closer to reality for California voters. A coalition driven by former Facebook president Sean Parker has garnered 600,000 signatures in favor of putting the issue to a vote – a number that far exceeded the obligatory 365,880 that were needed. …
Marijuana Legalization Divides California Law Enforcement
Most in California are ready to say “Yes” to legalization of recreational marijuana. It’s been more than 20 years since we were the first state to allow medical marijuana. But at least one group has historically sided firmly against legalization of the drug: Law enforcement. Today, law enforcement groups and…