
Snoop Dogg to Open Medical Marijuana Delivery Service in Los Angeles

While medical marijuana and medical cannabis products have greatly eased the pain and suffering of many medical marijuana patients in Los Angeles and across Southern California, one of the major problems is those in need of medicine are often too sick to go to their medical cannabis dispensary to pick up their medication.

turntable-5-952176-m.jpgOne way the legislature has helped to address this serious issue is by allowing medical marijuana patients to have a designated caregiver who is allowed to pick up their medical cannabis for them. While this offers help for those who can afford a caregiver, or who are fortunate to have someone willing to help them for free, such as a family member, there is a large percentage of medial marijuana patients who find it very difficult to get their medicinal products due to their physical limitations.

A somewhat new trend in the medical cannabis industry aimed at addressing this problem involves the creation and operation of medial marijuana home delivery services. According to a recent report from LA Weekly, the rapper Snoop Dogg intends to bring his medical cannabis delivery service to Los Angeles to serve patients in need.

His new service, called “Eaze,” is already operating in San Francisco and around 30 other cities and will begin operating in Los Angeles in the near future, if all goes according to plan. Snoop Dogg, along with a few other venture capitalists (VCs), are looking to get their business underway and connect patients to their dispensaries through home delivery.

In order for a medical cannabis dispensary to join the delivery service, they must have top quality product approved by the company and must guarantee they can complete all deliveries in a 10 to 15 minute time frame. Snoop Dogg is not the only famous musician attempting to enter or already working in the medical marijuana industry. Willie Nelson has already created a line of medical cannabis products, known as “Willie’s Reserve,” to be sold at local medical marijuana dispensaries, and Cypress Hill has recently opened a medical marijuana dispensary in Orange County.

If you are planning to start your own medical marijuana delivery service in Los Angeles or become an investor in one already in existence, it is essential you speak with an experienced medical cannabis attorney to make sure you are not going to have trouble with respect to state, local, or federal law. Driving a vehicle with marijuana for another person may subject drivers to criminal penalties and company owners to civil fines and potential criminal liability, if everything is not done entirely pursuant to all relevant laws and regulations.

While it may seem safer because others are doing the same thing, including wealthy entertainers with seemingly unlimited access to legal representation, it may be these vast resources that allow them to take additional risks. It is generally much more cost efficient to make sure things are done right in the beginning than trying to mitigation problems if you are cited with a civil fine or charged with a criminal marijuana distribution or trafficking charge.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients and those facing marijuana charges. Call us at 949-375-4734.

Additional Resources:

Snoop Dogg-Backed Weed Delivery Is Coming to Los Angeles , April 28, 2015, LA Weekly
More Blog Entries:
Marijuana Dispensary Owners File Lawsuit Against Police for Raid, Feb. 25, 2015, Marijuana DUI Defense Lawyer Blog

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