
Operation Grow 4 Vets Donates Marijuana to Veterans

Veterans returning from combat often suffer from a host of mental and physical ailments. In addition to the disabilities, loss of limb, and other physical injuries that can result in severe pain and suffering, many veterans also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder which can result in depression, personality disorders, anxiety and other mental afflictions. For many veterans, medical marijuana helps to alleviate these symptoms. In late September, over 1,000 veterans congregated in a Colorado Springs hotel for Operation Grow 4 Vets to participate in a marijuana giveaway. The organization is dedicated to delivering cannabis-based treatments to veterans.


In the giveaway that donated to veterans from throughout Colorado and out-of-state, participants were given a bag of items, including cannabis oil, marijuana chocolate, and seeds to grow their own marijuana plants. Our Orange County medical marijuana attorneys are dedicated to raising awareness to protect the rights of individual marijuana users, cultivators, and dispensary owners in California. In addition to staying abreast of marijuana law in our own backyard, we are also committed to following trends and stories related to marijuana use nationwide. Our legal team is prepared to protect the rights and interests of medical marijuana users, including veterans, as well as medical dispensary operators and others involved in the marijuana industry.

Though activists have long sought to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) added to the list of medical conditions in Colorado, they have so far been unsuccessful. Even though veterans with PTSD cannot necessarily qualify for medical marijuana, they are able to participate in the free giveaway, as marijuana is legal for all adults over the age of 21. The organization was also giving away marijuana to non-veterans who made a $20 donation. The event has garnered widespread support from marijuana activists as well as veterans’ advocacy groups nationwide.

Last weekend, a similar event was held in a Denver hotel, attracting hundreds of military veterans who showed up to claim their free marijuana. According to organizers of the event, marijuana is a healthier alternative to prescription medication for veterans who suffer from mental issues, including anxiety or depression. Marijuana has also been found to alleviate pain symptoms of those who suffered combat injuries. Reports indicated that the founders of the organization gave out over 400 bags of free marijuana and marijuana based products in Denver.

Veterans who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan may find marijuana to alleviate some of the pain and mental issues related to combat. In states where pot is not legal for recreational use, medical marijuana may be available. Veterans in California may have an easier time getting access to a medical marijuana card than in Colorado.

Though medical use is legal in California, users and distributors should be aware of local laws and potential penalties related to possession and sale. If you or someone you love has been charged with a marijuana-related crime, an experienced advocate can review your case and help to protect your rights in a criminal matter. Even though medical marijuana is legal in California, the state and federal government are still prosecuting marijuana crimes.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients and those facing marijuana charges. Call us at 949-375-4734.

More Blog Entries:
Getting Started in the Medical Marijuana Industry, May 15, 2014, Los Angeles Marijuana Lawyer Blog
United States Marijuana Laws Influencing Other Countries, February 14, 2014, Los Angeles Marijuana Lawyer Blog

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