
More Than Half of States Have Legalized Marijuana for Some Uses

The fight for legalization of marijuana has been ongoing for decades. With states like Colorado, Washington, and California setting the trend, more and more states are getting on board to legalize marijuana, at least for some purposes. According to an online medical journal, more than half of states have some laws that will permit medical marijuana. This shift may come as a surprise, as even the most conservative states are opening up to the health and economic benefits of marijuana sale and use.

This shift of policies and loosening of marijuana restrictions has resulted from pressure from health experts, family physicians, parents, and other advocacy groups that understand the benefits of marijuana for medical use. Most recently, Minnesota became the 22nd state to allow the broad use of medical marijuana. Washington D.C. is also new to the medical marijuana scene, and nine other states have passed laws allowing marijuana for children with seizure disorders. Our Los Angeles marijuana collective attorneys are dedicated to keeping abreast of marijuana legal developments on behalf of our local clients.

Doctors and medical researchers found that children with epilepsy benefited significantly from using a form of marijuana low in THC, which is high in cannabidiol (CBDs). Parents whose children have experienced the benefits of marijuana use have called it a miracle drug. Despite the controversy of children getting marijuana prescriptions, parents and other health advocates have worked to show legislators that the benefits outweigh the risks.

Marijuana has been classified under federal law as an illegal drug since 1972. The classification also states that the drug has no medical value, despite growing evidence to the contrary. Currently medical experts are weighing in on the benefits of medical marijuana use, which is putting pressure on both state legislators and Congress. The medical marijuana laws break down by state the following ways:

States with broad medical marijuana use laws: Maryland and Minnesota. Maryland previously allowed medical research but the new law give broader access to users.
Legalization of marijuana for children with seizure disorders: Wisconsin, Florida, Alabama, Iowa, Utah, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.

Pending legislation: Florida voters are weighing a bill that would legalize medical marijuana. Pennsylvania, Missouri, Ohio and New York also have comprehensive marijuana bills pending.

The shift towards loosening marijuana laws demonstrates an overall trend in changing policy in both conservative and liberal states. Health experts, marijuana supporters, parents and other interest-groups are joining together in the fight towards legalization. With more funding and a clearer understanding of the political landscape, these groups have been able to make significant strides towards legalization. This means that liberal as well as conservative states are opening the possibility to further legalization.

Advocates hope that with more states shifting towards legalization, Congress will be forced to act and to reclassify the drug. In addition to accommodating the states, Congress could pass more comprehensive legislation to legalize and regulate marijuana cultivation, distribution, and use.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients and those facing marijuana charges. Call us at 949-375-4734.

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