Our Los Angeles marijuana dispensary attorneys took notice of LA Weekly’s report on the absurdity of the new city ordinance that has targeted 439 businesses for closure.
A West Los Angeles council chairman and an ABC news truck parked across the street from a still operating dispensary on a recent afternoon. The councilman called the city attorney’s office, which reported the business was in noncompliance and had already been reported to the police. He called police himself; a squad car responded about four hours later. After going inside to speak with the business representatives, the officers returned to the street, told the ABC news crew that their truck was parked illegally, and left.
The ABC News video of the incident is available here.
This dispensary is arguing it was improperly put on the city’s closure list. The business contends it has been registered since 2005 and is thus entitled to operate under the new ordinance.
The city continues to promise a crackdown on dispensaries that remain open in violation of the ordinance.
The CANNABIS LAW GROUP has filed numerous lawsuits on behalf of dispensaries throughout the Los Angeles area and offers reasonable legal fees to join the fight.
Here is the list of Los Angeles marijuana dispensaries ordered to close.
Map of marijuana dispensaries forced to close.
Map of Los Angeles dispensaries allowed to remain open.
The Los Angeles marijuana dispensary lawyers at the CANNABIS LAW GROUP are dedicated to the rights of dispensaries and collectives throughout the Los Angeles area. The firm offers aggressive legal representation of the medical marijuana industry in Southern California. Call 949-375-4734 for a confidential consultation to discuss your rights.