
Los Angeles sheriff blames medical marijuana dispensaries for being crime victims

The Los Angeles County Sheriff is attacking the entire marijuana dispensary industry in the wake of last week’s triple murder in West Hollywood, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Our Los Angeles marijuana dispensary attorneys believe this is dangerously close to blaming the victim. Actually, it is blaming the victim. Dispensaries, like banks and the convenient store industry, can be targeted by criminals because of the presence of cash. If law enforcement has ever blamed banks for the high robbery rate, we missed it.

The sheriff’s contention that the dispensary industry is a tool used by the criminal element to make money and get drugs is erroneous. In fact, legalizing marijuana –whether for medicinal or recreational use — has the opposite effect; it takes the money-making potential out of the hands of the criminals and returns it to the state.

The Times notes the sheriff did not provide any specific examples but mentions several high-profile killings this summer, including the deaths of workers in Echo Park and Hollywood during apparent robberies earlier this summer.

Having targeted this legal industry for discrimination and forced closure, local law enforcement has not overtly stated that it is essentially a criminal enterprise. Our medical marijuana patients and legitimate business owners could not disagree more.

And we’ll see you in court.

The CANNABIS LAW GROUP is a law firm dedicated to the rights of medical marijuana patients, collectives and growers and has built a reputation for high-powered, aggressive legal representation of the medical marijuana industry in Southern California. Call 949-375-4734 for a confidential consultation to discuss your rights.

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