
L.A. medical marijuana attorneys watching dispensary ordinances in Los Angeles and Orange counties

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is set to consider a ban on marijuana dispensaries at a hearing today, the L.A. Times reports.

Our Los Angeles medical marijuana defense attorneys are representing more than a dozen marijuana dispensaries in the Los Angeles area. We believe there is strength in numbers and that fighting these local ordinances will be required for many of these businesses to survive.
In the wake of the City of Los Angeles’ marijuana dispensary ordinance — which has been so disastrous city officials recently delayed enforcement for another six months while the administration attempts to get its act together — the county now seeks to ban medical marijuana dispensaries in unincorporated Los Angeles. The ordnance would impact a population of about 1.5 million.

The county’s four-year-old policy had permitted dispensaries. However, the county has never approved one. That ordinance also forbid them from being located within 1,000 feet of churches, daycare centers, libraries, playgrounds or schools.

Despite never having approved a dispensary, county officials have now apparently decided that time and tax dollars need to be taken up with the kind of political grandstanding the issue always brings to the table. Apparently, our elected politicians believe no other issues of substance would be better served with their talents and attention.

Our Orange County marijuana dispensary lawyers are also monitoring a similar ordinance being debated there.

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