Articles Posted in Medical Marijuana and DUI


California Medical Marijuana Ventures Fast Becoming Elite

Back when California first passed a measure legalizing the production and use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, providing a venue for people to access the drug typically only cost a few thousand dollars and some gardening equipment. However, our Los Angeles marijuana lawyers have known for some time that the…


Los Angeles Medical Marijuana DUI Charge Should Be Fought

Medical marijuana patients in California have long suffered bouts of harassment in their commutes to and from work or the doctor’s office or their children’s school, with officers asserting that simply smelling of the plant or having traces of it in one’s system could amount to impaired driving. Our Los…


AB 2552 Would Increase Los Angeles Marijuana DUIs

A new bill that is making its way through the California Senate threatens to drastically increase the number of marijuana DUIs in Los Angeles and throughout California. Our Los Angeles marijuana lawyers are vehemently opposed to this measure, which would recast existing law to require health care professionals who come…


Orange County Marijuana DUI a Target for Law Enforcement

Latching on to the questionable results of a recent national study indicating drugged drivers are an increasing problem, local and state law enforcement officials are teaming up to target medical marijuana DUI in Orange County and across the state. As our Orange County medical marijuana attorneys understand it, the federal…


L.A. Medical Marijuana Said to Contribute to Fatal Crashes; Research Questioned

A new government report makes the overreaching claim that drugs are involved in an increasing number of traffic fatalities across the country. The study, conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as part of its Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), purports that of the 63 percent of deceased…


Study: Smoking Medical Marijuana in Los Angeles Leads to Crashes

The Los Angeles Times recently reported a new study found that smoking pot and driving makes a person twice as likely to get into a vehicle accident. And while some accidents or even arrests for DUI in Los Angeles are tied to smoking marijuana, law enforcement often has a hard…


Medical Marijuana DUI in Orange County May Be Overblown, Call a Lawyer Immediately

Our Orange County medical marijuana lawyers reported on our Marijuana Lawyer Blog recently that in states where medical marijuana is used, there are fewer traffic fatalities. Medical marijuana advocates say that this is true because fewer people are drinking alcohol and then driving to cope with their illness. If they…


San Luis Obispo Medical Marijuana Cases Dropped By D.A.

The district attorney in San Luis Obispo recently dropped charges against a dozen people charged with providing medical marijuana, the New Times is reporting. Our Los Angeles medical marijuana lawyers fight for the rights of anyone involved in the medical marijuana industry in California. Often, medical marijuana dispensaries in Los…


Report: Medical Marijuana in California Reduces Traffic Fatalities

A recent report by economists determined that states with medical marijuana laws in place have seen a drop in deadly vehicle crashes, The Hartford Courant is reporting. It is certainly good news for the Los Angeles medical marijuana industry, and researchers are looking at the benefits of medical marijuana aside…

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