Articles Posted in Medical Marijuana and DUI


Los Angeles Marijuana DUI Enforcement Funds Increased

Los Angeles marijuana DUI just got a little likelier, given local news reports the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office has bolstered funding for the prosecution of driving under the influence charges involving cannabis and other drugs. Because determining intoxication via marijuana can be subjective – even for trained police officers…


Pennsylvania Must Ditch Harsh Marijuana DUI Law

Pennsylvania’s marijuana DUI law could be about to see some much needed reform. State Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R-Cumberland) is working on a bill that would exempt medical marijuana patients from an overbearing law that prevents them from ever being allowed to drive, according to The Inquirer. The move comes as…


SB 65 Would Ban Marijuana Use While Driving

Marijuana is legal in California, but lawmakers are looking to ban the so-called “country cruise.” Specifically, state legislators have proposed in Senate Bill 65 banning the act of smoking marijuana while operating a motor vehicle.  This might seem like common sense – or perhaps already covered under existing impaired driving…


Why Marijuana Sobriety Tests are So Unreliable

Voters last month in California, Maine, Nevada and Massachusetts agreed to legalize marijuana for recreation, bringing the total to eight. But even those who support legalization recognize there is a possible threat to public safety on our roads. So that raises the question: How can you tell if someone is…


Marijuana Breathalyzer Use in California Now Underway

For the first time in U.S. history, marijuana breathalyzers were in use on public roads, and it’s happening right here in California.  The devices, the brainchild of an Oakland emergency room doctor and reserve police officer for the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, are expected to be distributed nationally sometime next…


Study: California Car Insurance Spikes $1,500/Year for Driving Under Influence of Marijuana

When it comes to drunk driving, the laws are fairly uniform from state-to-state. There may be some variation in penalties, including the amount of the fine or the length of possible jail time. Some states require ignition interlocks after a first-time offense, while others leave it up to the discretion…


California Lawmakers Lay Off Marijuana DUI – For Now

California state lawmakers will be mulling a myriad of issues related to marijuana in the coming months. In all, there are approximately 20 bills that address the drug in some form or another. Those measures were all filed before the deadline for the introduction of new laws in February. They…


Study: Stoned Drivers Safer Than Drunk Drivers

Drivers who use marijuana are far safer motorists than those who consume alcohol. That’s according to the Drug and Alcohol Crash Risk study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Association’s Office of Behavioral Safety Research. This is not to say driving impaired is necessarily safe under any circumstances. It’s…


New Medical Marijuana Research Focuses on PTSD Treatments

The benefits of marijuana in treating depression, anxiety, and other symptoms of PTSD are being studied nationwide. Medical researchers have long suspected a link between the possible benefits of marijuana treatments for PTSD, but have not had the financial support or government approval to succeed in any long-term or extensive…

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