Our Orange County medical marijuana attorneys have been successful in securing a stay against Lake Forest’s orders to close two dispensaries located within 600 feet of a school. As the Orange County Register reported, the judge on Friday issued a temporary restraining order permitting the city to close 7 pot…
Articles Posted in Los Angeles Marijuana Dispensaries
More Companies Join the Fight against the Medical Marijuana Lottery in Los Angeles
This past week, six medical marijuana dispensaries in California filed separate legal challenges to the Los Angeles ordinance that uses a random drawing to select 100 pot stores that would be allowed to continue their operations. At least eight lawsuits are currently seeking to completely toss out the law, according…
Medical Marijuana Dispensary in L.A. Shut Down After Raid
A storefront pot doctor that lures patients with barkers was raided and shut down last week, according to the Los Angeles Times. The eye-catching, only-in-California feature was forced to close up shop when the state medical board and law enforcement officers raided three locations linked to Medical Kush Doctor. Officials…
San Diego’s Medical Marijuana “plan” another Disaster in the Making
If you need any evidence that there is strength in numbers — even if everyone is ill informed and willing to spend millions of tax dollars to prove it — you need look no further than San Diego, where the Union-Tribune reports officials plan to vote on a measure that…
Los Angeles Receives more than 200 Medical Marijuana Dispensary Applications
The Los Angeles City Clerk’s Office is reviewing 231 applications from medical marijuana dispensaries that have applied to be part of a lottery to choose 100 the city will permit to operate, according to the Los Angeles Times. The city clerk’s handling of the medical marijuana ordinance has been nearly…
Feds Reportedly Pressing Banks to Dump or Seize Accounts of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Recordnet is reporting that the federal government is attempting to pressure banks to make it more difficult for medical marijuana businesses to get banking services. Our Los Angeles medical marijuana lawyers continue to report on the challenges facing the medical marijuana industry. Collectives and dispensaries should have an attorney of…
Lobbying Feds Could Benefit Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
The medical marijuana industry has officially opened the doors of its lobbying association in Washington D.C., the San Francisco Chronicle reported. Our Los Angeles medical marijuana lawyers applaud the move. We understand it is the patients, growers, collectives and dispensaries that fight for their rights that are most likely to…
San Diego approves Tough New Rules for Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
San Diego, the state’s second-largest city, approved restrictions on medical marijuana dispensaries, barring them from doing business within 600 feet of places of worship, parks, schools and other “sensitive” locations. As our Los Angeles medical marijuana lawyers reported on our Marijuana Lawyer Blog, proponents had pushed for new pot shops…
IRS Rules could Result in Capone-like Prosecution for L.A. Marijuana Dispensaries
Forbes reports that the feds could use the Al Capone treatment to target those dealing in medical marijuana in states where it is legal, including California. Our Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensary attorneys reported recently on our Marijuana Lawyer Blog about the recent IRS audit of an Oakland dispensary. In…
Los Angeles Orders more Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to Close
Our Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensary attorneys urge any dispensary or collective who receives a medical marijuana shutdown order from the city to call us for a confidential consultation to discuss your rights. The dispensaries that have sought legal representation and chosen to fight have enjoyed a number of recent…