Articles Posted in hemp


California CBD & Hemp Advertising Now Permitted on Meta Apps Like Facebook & Instagram

Opportunities to advertise California CBD, hemp, and cannabis have expanded significantly this year. Los Angeles marijuana businesses interested in tapping into these new marketing opportunities may find success in reaching wider audiences – but they still must be cautious in their approach. Smart sellers will run their ads by their…


Los Angeles CBD Lawyer Analyzes the Plan (or Lack Thereof) for California Hemp Production

The 2018 Farm Bill left no question as to the legality of hemp when it removed the crop – and its derivatives like CBD – from the definition of “marijuana” as listed within the U.S. Controlled Substances Act. The measure gave the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulatory authority over how…


Hemp Delivery Driver Arrested on State Felony Charges, Despite Farm Bill

Lawmakers, worker rights advocates, cannabis industry leaders and criminal defense lawyers are expressing outrage after a trucker hauling hemp was arrested on felony state charges in Idaho for transporting an unlawful substance across state lines from Oregon. The incident occurred a month after the  2018 U.S. Farm Bill that legalized…


USDA: Hemp Farmer Intellectual Property Rights Finalized

Intellectual property rights for cannabis, marijuana, CBD and hemp have long been a point of serious contention for CBD businesses. Now, with both hemp and CBD decriminalized, removed from the list of federally-controlled substances, intellectual property rights for these newly-legal crops are now strengthened. Hemp farming attorneys in Orange County…


Criminal Charges for CBD? Confusion Copious Over State, Federal Laws

Stores throughout Southern California, in Los Angeles, Riverside, Orange County and beyond, are ramping up advertising to promote sales of CBD oil, but questions of legality persist: Who can sell it and how and whether it can be sold at all. People across the country mistakenly presumed that the 2018…


Pall Cast Over Hemp Win as FDA Dubs CBD Products Illegal

The U.S. president’s signature on the major farm bill earlier this month was a big win for legalized hemp. However, our Los Angeles marijuana product sales attorneys have just learned the passage of that measure won’t necessarily grant blanket protection for CBD oil, after the U.S. Food and drug administration…


California Marijuana Attorneys Expect Hemp Farming to Grow Across U.S.

With Congress having reached an accord on the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which includes a provision to lift the federal ban on cultivation of industrial hemp, the proliferation of hemp farming in California and across the country is expected to grow exponentially. California hemp farming attorneys know that up…


California Hemp Cultivation Law Gets Governor’s Signature

It is now legal to cultivate industrial hemp in the state of California – maybe. Although Gov. Jerry Brown (D) has signed a groundbreaking measure that effectively legalizes industrial cultivation in the state, our California hemp lawyers know that it is contingent upon approval from the federal government. Sen. Mark…


Hemp Reform Efforts March On

The battle for safe, legal access to marijuana is not simply limited to those who require it medically or want to indulge for recreation. Currently, the wide-sweeping federal ban on the plant also encompasses the production of industrial hemp, a product that has proven incredibly versatile and useful. However, our…

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