Most in California are ready to say “Yes” to legalization of recreational marijuana. It’s been more than 20 years since we were the first state to allow medical marijuana. But at least one group has historically sided firmly against legalization of the drug: Law enforcement. Today, law enforcement groups and…
Articles Posted in California marijuana legalization
DEA Moves to Recognize Smoking Marijuana as Medical Research
While it may seem to odd to most people that U.S. law considers medical marijuana and cannabis in general to be among the most dangerous and addictive drugs available, much of that has to do with fact that Congress was (and still is) able to rely upon the fact there are no federal…
Why LA County Banned Medical Marijuana Cultivation
According to a recent news article from KPCC News, Los Angeles County has enacted legislation to ban the cultivation of medical marijuana within county limits. The ban is a temporary measure and requires that all growing of marijuana in the unincorporated areas of the county cease. It should be noted…
Medical Marijuana Being Studied as Treatment for MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a truly devastating illness. The disease involves destruction (technically a demyelinating) of the covers that insulate nerve cells. Once these covers a destroyed, the underlying nerve cell is damaged, and this leads to an injury to spinal cord and brain. This degenerative condition leads to a…
What Will Legalization Mean for Medical Marijuana Doctors?
The medical community has had a tumultuous relationship with marijuana. Decades ago, they warned of the many supposed dangers, particularly when it came to consumption by younger people. The failed War on Drugs was fueled at least partially by claims the drug was a “killer narcotic.” There has been a…
New Statewide Regs Push for Local Bans on Medical Marijuana
Since medical marijuana was legalized in the State of California back in the mid 1990s, there has been a lack of statewide regulation for the most part. The state did not want to get involved, so, for that reason, people often compared the emerging industry to the gold rush of…
California Counties and Cities Urged to License Cultivation
Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is an advocacy organization made up of medical professionals, patients using medical marijuana, scientists, researchers, and other concerned citizens who are focused on promoting safe and legal access to medical marijuana. It is a nationwide organization and has the largest number of members of any…
Studies Examine How Youth in California & Nationwide are Using Marijuana
There are few effective arguments against legalization of marijuana for medicinal use, or even for recreational use. One of the biggest arguments people tend to make when trying to block legalization is related to concerns about whether legalization will prompt more kids to start using drugs. Those who are against…
Local Municipalities Working to Ban Medical Marijuana after California Law Enacted
When medical marijuana was first legalized in the state of California, it was left up to the towns, counties, and cities to decide whether dispensaries and delivery would be permitted. This was the case for nearly twenty years until the state passed legislation regulating the medical marijuana industry at the…
Legalization of Marijuana Expected in Five States
According to a recent feature from High Times, next year is expected to be a major year in the fight to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes. California, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts, and Nevada are all expected to have ballot initiatives to legalize marijuana for recreational use. In addition, some other states…