
Articles Posted in California marijuana business lawyers


Marijuana Businesses Weed Through Hundreds of Candidates at Cannabis Job Fair

Californians have known for decades the benefits of marijuana, especially as a treatment for certain medical ailments. Now the state is reaping the benefits of added tax revenue from recreational marijuana businesses pouring into cities that have chosen to legalize marijuana under Proposition 64. In addition to taxes flooding into…


Smaller Cannabis Business Operations Need More Support

Cannabis business owners want to be able to operate in full compliance with California law and function as a legitimate business. They are open to paying taxes and following the rules. However, they are facing many barriers to achieving this end goal while operating a successful business – one of…


Privacy Protections Necessary for Recreational Marijuana Users in California

While many Californians are finally enjoying the freedom to use recreational marijuana, some are questioning how safe their private information is when they make a purchase. When Proposition 64 went into effect Jan. 1, adult-use marijuana became legal in the state, with local governments able to set up their own…


UCSF Says Marijuana Businesses Can Learn from Mistakes of Tobacco

While many politicians and other leaders continue to wring their hands, hemming and hawing ad nauseum over the best way to regulate the growing number of marijuana businesses, University of California San Francisco says the answer is right under our noses. According to a study by the university published in…


Federal Budget Protects State Medical Marijuana Businesses, For Now

One of the beacons of hope for medical marijuana businesses during these uncertain times has been Rohrabacher-Blumenauer, an amendment that blocks the Justice Department’s ability to spend money on prosecuting medical marijuana operations that are compliant with their state’s relevant laws. However, this amendment is not a permanent structure and…


Recreational Cannabis Sales Begin in L.A.

Three weeks after recreational cannabis sales officially became legal in California, select Los Angeles businesses were allowed to open their doors for commercial sales. While the Adult Use of Marijuana Act made recreational sales legal in the state Jan. 1, it is still up to city and county governments to…


Northern California County Rolls Back Marijuana Legalization

As of January 1, California rolled out Proposition 64, The Adult Use of Marijuana Act, making recreational marijuana legal in the state. However, the new law did not automatically make cannabis legal everywhere in California. It is still up to local governments to regulate, restrict, and ban as they see…


Marijuana Official Tells California Residents What to Expect in 2018

The Cannabis Law Group is prepared for the onslaught of challenges that face the residents and cannabis business owners of California with the implementation of the Adult Use of Marijuana Act at the start of this new year, legalizing recreational marijuana. Commercial sales were legalized in California as of Jan. 1,…


Cautious Optimism Surrounds Marijuana Business Stocks

While there are lingering concerns around the cannabis industry, with the federal government scrutinizing state legalization measures and uncertainty about the effects of tax reform and unemployment rates, there is still a lot of optimism surrounding marijuana industry stocks in the U.S. Cannabis stocks saw a spike around the holiday…


Long Beach Moves Forward with Recreational Marijuana Business Plans

Thanks to Prop. 64, the state of California is considering applications for licenses for recreational marijuana businesses beginning Jan. 1, 2018. Authority rests with local governments to decide whether to allow recreational marijuana sales to go into effect in their area, giving them power to either issue bans or develop policies…

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