
A Look at Traditional Painkillers and Medical Marijuana as a Painkiller

Medical marijuana has been scientifically proven to have a lot of benefits to patients for a variety of medical conditions, ranging from psychological conditions to advanced stages of cancer. Interestingly, it is perfectly legal to get a prescription for powerful narcotics, and walk into any pharmacy and walk out with a bottle of OxyContin or Vicodin, but, in most places in the United States, it is illegal to possess even a small quantity of marijuana.

pills-out-of-bottle-1394618-m.jpgFortunately, for medical cannabis patients in California, this is not the case, and, fortunately for those in other states, the nation is gradually becoming more accepting to medical cannabis.

In a recent article from News Review, one editor takes a look at medical cannabis for pain control. He uses his personal experience as a 31-year-old trying to play basketball. He has pain from his swelling feet, shin splints, and knee pain. He has access to narcotic painkillers prescribed to treat his knee pain but instead decides to use medical cannabis to treat his pain.

Specifically, he uses cannabinoids or “CBDs,” which interact with one’s biochemical system in a way that does not have any psychoactive effects, as is the case with smoking marijuana. Researchers in the industry describe this as using CBDs or medical cannabis as an anti-inflammatory agent. CBDs generally come in a tablet form and have been used to treat cancer patients for years. The scientific reason CBDs work to alleviate pain and inflammation is because they limit the impulses fired between multiple nerves that the body normally translates into aches and pain.

It should be noted, these products have also been promising to help concussion patients reduce brain swelling, and these are not wild theories by a group of recreational marijuana advocates, but, as the author states, are supported by peer-reviewed university publications from Ivy League schools. Universities have even been drafting open letters to the commissioner of the NFL to support use of medical cannabis as treatment for concussions, which is currently in violation of league policy.

Not only does the author indicate these CBDs work better than over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, prescription strength anti-inflammatory drugs, and prescription opioids such as codeine, there is no risk of chemical dependency, and they do not have the dangerous side effects such, as stomach bleeding, common to traditional NSAIDs.

As our Los Angeles medical cannabis attorneys have seen all too often, despite much research showing the benefits of CBDs and other medical cannabis products, it is still hard to shake a common misconception that this is just a bunch of stoners who like smoking marijuana instead of actual verifiable medical science.

For this reason, it is necessary to treat your medical cannabis business with the professional respect it deserves, and the best way to do that is to make sure you comply with all local laws and regulations and advocate in a responsible manner. While many attorneys claim they handle medical marijuana matters, it is often helpful to speak with attorneys who dedicate a large portion of their practice to these specific issues and bring that knowledge and experience to the table to help your business thrive.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients and those facing marijuana charges. Call us at 949-375-4734.

Additional Resources:

The war on pain: Medical cannabis vs. ‘traditional’ medicine, April 16, 2015, News Review

More Blog Entries:

Employment Rights of California Marijuana Patients
, Feb. 4, 2015, Los Angeles Marijuana Lawyer Blog

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